Guest Speaker: Bill Meyer
From: Advanced Research Associates (USRA), NASA Glenn Research Center
Refreshments will be provided
Friday, February 3rd, 10:00am
Shumaker Research Building, Room 139
A brief (and selective) overview of NASA’s microgravity colloids program will be
shared. This will consist of some of the science highlights and the techniques used to obtain them. Part of this presentation will include recent and planned microgravity colloids research with the Kentucky science teams (Professors Stuart Williams, Gerold Willing, and Hemali Rathnayake) led by the University of Louisville.
Time allowing, this presentation will culminate with a short movie showing the hand-off of the Janus particles presently being studied on the International Space Station (ISS), along
with “inside” film footage showing the supporting launch and landing of the SpaceX-9 rocket that delivered this experiment to the ISS.