Plasma Processing Workshop - April 11, 2023 @ University of Louisville
Must register by April 3, 2023
Plasma-Therm Technical Workshop
Fundamentals of Plasma Processing (Etching and Deposition)
The workshop will focus on the fundamentals of plasma etching and deposition. Lectures will include the basics of plasma reactors and mechanisms for etching and deposition and review state-of-the-art etching and deposition technologies as applied to semiconductors, MEMS, and nanofabrication. Talks will cover compound semiconductor, dielectric, and deep silicon etching as well as PECVD and high-density plasma CVD of silicon based materials. Fundamental and new ideas for endpoint detection and sample thermal budget management will be presented.
Learn the fundamentals of plasma, reactors, and etching mechanisms
Review current etching technologies for deep silicon etching, compound semiconductors, and dielectrics
Provide essentials of PECVD and HDPCVD
Explore the fundamentals and new ideas in endpoint detection
Understand thermal budget considerations
Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided
8:00am Registration (light breakfast courtesy of Plasma-Therm)
8:30 am Welcome
8:45 am Basics: Plasma, Reactors, and Etching Mechanisms
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Dielectric Etching
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
1:00 pm Compound Semiconductor Etching
2:00 pm Deep Reactive Ion Etching of Silicon
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Endpoint Basics
3:30 pm Thermal Budget Management
4:00 pm PECVD and HDP CVD (high density plasma CVD)
5:00 pm Conclusion (Note: Q&A will be encouraged during the talks)
David Lishan, Ph.d. -KEYNOTE SPEAKER
After receiving his undergraduate degree in Chemistry from UC Santa Cruz and Ph.D. from UC Santa Barbara in Solid State Electrical Engineering he has worked and published on a wide range of material, semiconductor, and chemistry R&D projects in the areas of lithography, photochemistry, x-ray mask fabrication, PVD, and plasma processing. During his 24 years at Plasma-Therm, he has had business unit management and worldwide marketing responsibilities as well as managing the development and release of the plasma dicing product. Currently in dual roles as a Principal Scientist and a director in technical marketing, he has recently organized and presented plasma processing workshops at leading institutions throughout the world. His primary focus is on the application of plasma processing for R&D, MEMS, photonics, data storage, power, and compound semiconductor applications. He holds two patents in the area of semiconductor processing and has over 60 publications and conference presentations.
With Plasma-Therm, he has organized and presented plasma processing workshops at leading institutions throughout the world, including Harvard University, UC Berkeley, University of Notre Dame, UC Los Angeles (UCLA), University of South Florida, Stanford University, Lund University (Sweden), IMRE (Singapore), UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), ISCAS (Beijing, China), SINANO (Suzhou, China), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, UT Austin, Cornell University, Pennsylvania State University, KANC (S. Korea), University of Alberta, Weizmann Institute, University of Queensland, University of New South Wales, Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) National Tsing Hua University and in Israel.