KYMMNIN Newsletter - 1st Edition - Fall 2016
Welcome readers to our first edition of the Kentucky Multi-Scale Manufacturing NNCI Site focused on integrating advanced manufacturing technologies over widely different length scales. This collaboration between 8 crucial facilities at the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky recognizes nanotechnology is now integral to scientific discovery and engineering and sees the pressing need for state-of-the-art infrastructure that supports the rapid and effective prototyping of nano-scale devices in macro-scale systems.
Please see below selected highlights regarding our latest accomplishments:
Eight core facilities working together on multi-scale manufacturing
KY MMNIN combines the impressive physical resources of 4 micro/nano core facilities at UofL and 4 complementary core facilities at UK. The 4 facilities at UofL are the MicroNanoTechnology Center (MNTC), the Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research (CCRER), the Rapid Prototyping Center (RPC) and the Huson Nano-Core Facility (HNCF). The 4 facilities at UK are the Center for Nano-Science and Engineering (CeNSE), the Electron Microscopy Center (EMC), the Center for Advanced materials (CAM), and the Center for Advanced Energy Research (CAER).
KYMMNIN Sponsoring Lunch Seminars
KYMMNIN organizes at our site, such as our invited speaker lunch seminar series, and promotes other events organized by our core facilities elsewhere.
Outreach Activities
KYMMNIN actively participates in various outreach events K-12 in partnership with the Kentucky Science Center. In addition tours and camps are frequently organized at our core facilities throughout the year.
KYMMNIN Invited Speaker Dr. Philip Feng, presents his research on Atomic-Layer Semiconductors for Emerging