KY Multi-Scale Manufacturing and NanoIntegration Node

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Robert Accolla, REU 2016 Participant, Awarded by NNCI with Research Experience in Japan

Congratulations to Robert Accolla, a Senior in Bioengineering at Virginia Tech, selected by NNCI for a Research Experience in Japan this summer. Robert Accolla was one of the 10 participating students in KY MMNIN/UofL IMPACT* Research Experience for Undergraduates in the summer of 2016. Out of 30 applicants, Robert was one of the 6 students awarded to engage in Nanotechnology Research in Japan this summer. We believe Robert is excited for his adventure and ready for a range of nanotechnology projects in the biomedical area, chemistry and hard materials science (ceramic and semiconductors).

(*) Interdisciplinary Micro/Nano Manufacturing Program Addressing Challenges Today (IMPACT)