Summer STEM Experience for Middle School Teachers

The University of Louisville in conjunction with the National Science Foundation is excited to offer a new 3-Day NanoEducate Workshop for Middle School Science Teachers.  This summer hands-on STEM experience will demonstrate how “nanotechnology” has positively impacted our society,  and how it promises to continue to do so for years to come. Participants will learn about the related fields of nanotechnology, including micro-fluidics, photovoltaic devices, and additive manufacturing. Lectures and demonstration projects will be presented, which you can easily integrate into your STEM curriculum to better engage and excite your young students. The workshop will be in person at the UofL Shumaker Research Building with its state-of-the-art nanotechnology research facilities. Participation is limited so apply early.

Program Benefits:

  • 3 Day stipend of $600, in-person attendance required

  • Tour of the world-recognized UofL Micro/Nano Technology Center

  • Daily lunch and parking provided for UofL Belknap Campus

Program Goals:

The goals of our weeklong workshop are to:

  1. Excite teachers about micro/nano/AM technologies;

  2. To equip middle school teachers with appropriate content and methods to teach their students; and

  3. Effectively reach hundreds of students through their teachers.

    NanoEducate should be especially helpful in our EPSCoR state where we desperately need to increase our number of college-bound students interested in STEM degrees and their applications on society.

This workshop is scheduled for July 19-21, 2022

Application Deadline June 15, 2022

Fill out the form below to apply today!