“Vesicles in the Garden” by Abigail dragich, University of Kentucky, EMC. Tool: FEI helios DUAL BEAM. DESCRIPTION: FIB-SEM image of an anomaly of vesicle clusters inside an auditory hair cell. These cells have a mutation in a protein that causes disrupted vesicular transport and also causes deafness in humans.

“microbes hanging out” by ed winner, remediation products. UofL MNTC HUson lAB. TOOL: SEM - Thermo Scientific apreo. DESCRIPTION: A microbial consortium growing within a surface fracture of granular activated carbon. This and similar pictures indicate that microbes, primarily bacteria, prefer to initiate growth in niches. The is colorized but otherwise unaltered..

“TEMcat” by ireshika wickramasuriya, university of kentucky, EMC. TOOL: FEI helios nanolab 660-lamella preparation, FEI Talos F200x. DESCription: This image shows a lamella of 14YWT, nuclear fusion reactor material, highlighting the network of grain boundaries within the sample.

“Neuro-Pokeball”. by SaraNieto Isaza, university of kentucky, EMC. tool: FEI Helios nanolab 660. description: This scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image captures the intricate structure of a zebrafish neuromast, located along the lateral line system. which play a crucial role in mechanotransduction by converting mechanical stimuli into electrical signals.

"Contours of Perception” by Sara Nieto Isaza, university of kentucky, EMC. Tool:: FEI Helios Nanolab 660. description: This scanning electron microscopy image shows a neuromast from the lateral line of a zebrafish. The image focuses on hair cells, which detect mechanical changes and convert them into signals for the nervous system.We explore the natural remodeling of these.

“Bridge to Sound” by emma o. stevens, university of kentucky, emc. Tool: Helios FIB-SEM. description: This image was taken following dissection of mouse cochlea and culturing and fixation of the Organ of Corti (sensory organ of the ear). The tiny links between stereocilia at the tips, “tip links”, open ion channels with sound-induced force so that we can hear.  


“Micro-Nightmare” by Ava Kruse and catalina velez-ortega, university of kentucky, EMC. Tool: Helios FIB-SEM. description: This is an image of a scanning electron micrographs of a mouse vestibular hair cell stereocilia bundle. Superimposed color layers and drawings were added to it using Procreate..